School Lunches and Snacks

School meals are cooked on site and every effort is made to ensure that children have a healthy, balanced meal. The school can provide a hot meal, currently costing £2.20. Children may bring a packed lunch from home if they prefer. Drinks are available in the dinner hall for those having school dinners. We ask that only non fizzy drinks in cartons or plastic bottles be brought in for packed lunches.

If your child is to go home for lunch, please inform us of this in writing.

The office currently collects dinner money daily, weekly, monthly or half termly or you are able to pay via the Sims Agora online payment system details of which are under the Online Payment page.

Parents are entitled to claim free school meals if they receive certain state benefits.

If you think you are eligible; applications should be made on line to ECC Education Transport awards on

Currently all children attending state primary schools are entitled to free school meals in Reception, year 1 and year 2.



Snack time is an important part of the Foundation Stage experience, with snacks being prepared with and shared by the children, often linked to their topic work. Please let the staff know directly of any food allergies (as well as including this information on the Admission Form).

In Years 1 and 2, children receive free fruit or vegetables each day as part of a Government scheme. In Years 3-6, the children are encouraged to bring in a snack from home and the School Council has drawn up a list of healthy snacks.

We also offer a different daily healthy snack that children can purchase for just 20p a day.


Please choose from this list:

Fruit (eg apples, bananas, tomato) or vegetables (eg carrot, celery)
Cereal bars (without chocolate) or dried fruit, such as raisins or fruit flakes
Mini sandwiches with a healthy filling
Breadsticks, rice cakes or crackers
Drinking yoghurts
Fromage frais or cheese

Please do not send chocolates, sweets, crisps or sweet biscuits.